Hundert, Kein & Aber
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Hundert, Kein & Aber

Hundert, Kein & Aber

Hundert is a book for children and adults alike, a book to flick through and turn back to, to fantasise about and talk to each other about.It's about everything you learn in life: The first somersault, the first love, the first time you drink coffee and the realisation of how huge the world is. Later, you realise that you still don't feel like an adult, even though you've long since reached middle age. And in old age, you not only learn how precious time is, but also how to unlearn things. And to lose the fear of death. That is the natural process of life. Heike Faller doesn't serve us wisdom, she has spoken to young and old people and summarised their experiences in short sentences that read like a beautiful, touching poem about life.

Format: 20.2 x 22.6 cm, 208 pages

Authors: Heike Faller and Valerio Vidali

Release Date: 12. March 2018

CHF 22.00

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